4-Way Hideout Privacy Panels

4-Way Hideout Privacy Panels with Panel A 31" tall x 72" long and Panel B 31" tall x 36" long and 3" Bracket with Adhesive 

1 Pack Contains 10 4-Way Hideout Privacy Panels / Includes Bracket with Adhesive

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Our Hideout Privacy Panels offer an immediate solution for safe, healthy workspaces. Sturdy, quick-install, workspace protection. These panels help your team feel secure by reducing workspace exposure. Our Hideout Privacy Panels, constructed with 4mm Coroplast®, are ideal for indoor and outdoor applications. It is tougher than corrugated fiberboard, lighter than solid extruded plastic, waterproof, weather resistant and stain-resistant.

3" Length Bracket with Adhesive is an economical way to securely join sign panels in either vertical or horizontal positions and at fixed 90 degree angles. Adhesive style sticks to any clean, flat surface.

Delivery Times for these are 15-18 workdays from your order date

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Phone: 614-340-2155